
What’s next for Beth Dutton in Yellowstone season 5 part 2?

Yellowstone season 5 part 2 isn’t coming for a while, but there are questions as to its characters, particularly Beth Dutton. What can happen with Kelly Reilly’s complex character in the last episodes of the series?

From the start of Yellowstone, Beth Dutton has marched to her own drum, and the first half of Season 5 was no different. It started with her backing father John as governor of Montana and being named his chief of staff. Her first task was to stop plans for a huge airport, despite public support for it.

Beth was in New York to close a big deal to get rid of her shares in an equity firm before a lawsuit. She then attended a party where a woman put the moves on Rip. Beth naturally didn’t take it well, hitting her with a bottle and was arrested for assault.


Beth was bailed out by Jamie, who got the assault charges dropped but still had Beth charged with disorderly conduct. Beth followed Jamie to a hookup with Sarah. Beth was also unhappy with Summer (Piper Perabo) crashing at the ranch, leading to a fight between them.

Beth also fought to convince John that it was time to face reality and ranching was not going to save the family and they needed new sources of income. When Jamie moved to have John impeached, Beth tried to bring up his drumping his birth father’s body only for Jamie to counter he was just following a Dutton tradition and digging up so many corpses would ruin the family.

The season ended with Beth suggesting to her dad it was time to take Jamie to that “train station,” only for Jamie to decide to hire some assassins to go after Beth. So, how does this family dynamic play into the last episodes?

What happens to Beth at the end of Yellowstone?

The second half of Yellowstone’s fifth season was already filmed when the backstage actions led to it being canceled. Thus, this isn’t meant to be the end of Beth’s story but could have serious developments.

The first will be the clash with Jamie, as it’s likely only one of the siblings walks away from this alive. The most likely idea is Beth finally reveals to Rip that Jamie had her sterilized as a teenager, which is more than enough to send her husband to kill Jamie.

After that, Beth will have to handle the fallout of John’s various actions and save the family while she and Rip might finally get to enjoy that cottage he built on the grounds. If anyone deserves to carry on the Yellowstone legacy, it’s Beth and that determination should make the final episodes of the series more than worth watching.

Yellowstone Seasons 1-5 streaming on Peacock.


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